By Devyn Farries

Devyn Farries is Detroit born and raised, and based in Brooklyn. Devyn, also known by the penname, khaleel, is a transgender artist and nerd of color. Devyn seeks to create art that reflects the world around them, a world full of many genders, ethnicities, body types, and overall experiences. Devyn is especially passionate about creating are that illustrates the narratives of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people of color. You can find more of their work on their tumblr and you can support their work on Patreon under the same name.
Yes, dudes-withe-ludes,
growth is extremely hard
to do living in NYC. Why?
You're surrounded by the
super-dooper-ficial, 24/7.
Growth is notta gonna be2
difficult *if* you're pure
N wholly HeeHee. Y? Follow
our lead, bubba:
Lemme tella youse summoe
without d'New Joisey axent:
● ●
Cya soon, bro...